Awapuni Garden Club

The Awapuni Garden Club was started in 1978 and today is well supported with 100 members. The club is a friendly group of people who like to share garden knowledge and are keen to learn more about plants, seeds, gardening etc. At the monthly meetings we have a guest speaker, a sales table, a raffle and a home grown vegetables, fruit and flower competition.

How to Join

If you are interested to know more about the Awapuni Garden Club please contact our Club Secretary or Club President. We currently have a membership of 100 because of our venue’s capacity. We have a small waiting list. Prospective members can attend our out and about programme as well as two meetings to familiarise themselves with our activities.

Membership Fees

Membership fee is currently $15.00 annually. Garden trips etc. are an additional cost.

When and where we meet

We meet at the Newbury Street Hall, Newbury Street, Awapuni. The 3rd Tuesday of the month. (February to November) Start 9.30 am and finish around 11.30am

Contact Details

Yvonne Murphy

Club Secretary

Email our club

Johanna Whitehead

Club President

