Inner Smile Tai Chi Club Inc
The Inner Smile Tai Chi Club is a not-for-profit community organisation dedicated to the teaching and practice of Tai Chi. We were formed in 1999 as an adjunct of the Palmerston North RSA and in 2012 moved to the Senior Citizens Hall in Main Street. Our intent is to provide a community focus for the health and well-being benefits derived from Tai Chi and to develop, foster, and promote the practice of Tai Chi within Palmerston North. We conduct Tai Chi sessions/training and provide a social and friendly environment for the members of the Inner Smile Tai Chi Club. We organise and provide social events which are generally subsidised by the Club.
How to Join
Simply come along to one of our sessions and express your interest. We advise you to come three or four times and participate before making up your mind to join. That way you don't waste the money you spend on joining.
Membership Fees
Subscription is $10 payable on joining. Renewal of membership (Annual Subs) are payable after the AGM at the end of July and before 31 August. Our session fees are currently $3 per session. You will be required to purchase a Club shirt at a current subsidised cost of $25. The only other costs you may incur will be in support of our regular raffles and subsidised social functions.
When and where we meet
Sessions start on Monday and Thursday at 10:00. You need to be there a bit earlier (say 15 minutes or so) to get ready and get through announcements etc. We have training for new members and those who wish to improve their Tai Chi at 9:20am on those days. The sessions takes 1 hour and then we usually have a cup of tea.
Palmerston North Central