Manawatū Organ and Keyboard Club Inc.

We are a group of non-professional keyboard and organ players (mostly retired) ranging from experienced to beginner players and some non-players that come along to just enjoy the music. We meet every Monday at 1.00pm at the. Manchester Unity Hall, 26 Walding Street, and finish at approximately 3.30pm. Visitors are welcome and are only asked to pay the $2 door charge that covers the hall hire and afternoon tea expenses. The club owns an organ, piano and an electronic keyboard as well some members bring along their own keyboards and piano accordions. We hope that after visiting us a few times and getting to know the friendly and easy-going members of our club you too would become a member.

How to Join

Call the President or Secretary or just visit us on any Monday at 1.00pm at the Manchester Unity Hall.

Membership Fees

$30 single
$45 family

When and where we meet

Every Monday at 1.00pm at the Manchester Unity Hall, 26 Walding Street, and finishes at approximately 3.30pm.

Contact Details

Bev Zimmerman


Email our club

Tricia Penny

Secretary/ Treasurer


26 Walding Street, Palmerston North 4410, New Zealand