Palmerston North Scrabble Club

Suitable for players of all skill levels. Come and play with others to practice and improve your word knowledge and strategies. A small friendly group. A great way to spend two hours on a Sunday afternoon. Scrabble sets are provided.

How to Join

If interested contact us to make sure we will be there.

Membership Fees

The first visit there is no cost. Thereafter, $2 per person (two games) each Sunday. If coming regularly, the annual membership is $15/year. All costs are to help cover hiring/heating etc. for use of the facilities.
Scrabble sets are provided.

When and where we meet

Sundays 2:00-4:00pm in the lounge of the Senior Citizens Hall, 309 Main Street, Palmerston North

Contact Details

Shirley Radford


Email our club


Palmerston North Central