Roses Manawatū

Our group was founded in 1947 and is affiliated with the New Zealand Rose Society (Inc). Our motto is to implant the roses in the hearts and gardens of the people of New Zealand. We do this by sharing information and knowledge on how to grow good roses in the Manawatū region. This is done through our newsletter and other publications, meetings with guest speakers and demonstrations and visits to gardens and other places of interest. Members also have a wide range of other garden interests besides roses so they are also incorporated into our events.

How to Join

We are open to everyone who loves roses - you can download a membership form off our website or join up at one of our meetings or make contact with our President or Secretary.

Membership Fees

Our current membership fees for the 2023 - 24 year are:
Newsletter by email: $35
Newsletter by post: $45

When and where we meet

We usually meet on the first Wednesday of every month except January at 7.30 pm at the Palmerston North Community Leisure Centre, 569 Ferguson St, Palmerston North (next to recycling centre). From time to time, we have garden visits and other events that take the place of monthly meetings which will be included on our website and Facebook page

Contact Details

Hayden Foulds


Email our club

Peter Elliott



569 Ferguson Street, Terrace End, Palmerston North 4410, New Zealand