Sabados Teatreros

SÁBADOS TEATREROS (ST) is a drama education group for Spanish-speaking children from 5 to 15 years old in the Palmerston North area. The program was started in June 2021 by Dr Maria Gomez-Lozano, who started weekly drama lessons for 12 children aged 5-10 years old.
The lessons are exclusively done in Spanish with the aim of promoting the use of their mother tongue among the Latin American and Hispanic community. However, any child learning Spanish, independent of their ethnicity is welcome.

How to Join

Contact us directly.

Membership Fees

40 dollars per year

When and where we meet

The ST lessons are held every Saturday from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm during school-term Saturday at the Dancing Room in the Square Edge

Contact Details

Maria Gomez-Lozano

Chairperson and Co-director

Email our club

Rolando Saltini



Palmerston North Central