SeniorNet Manawatū
SeniorNet is a community-based organisation that supports and motivates people aged 50+ to enjoy and use technology in their everyday lives.
We offer workshops and one-on-one help with advice, specific issues, or problems that you may have.
We have been helping seniors in the Manawatū for 25 years.
FInd out more details on our website, or contact us. Details below.
We are: Connecting, Supportive, Collaborative, Stimulating...
Practical, Positive, Neighbourly and Fun
We offer workshops and one-on-one help with advice, specific issues, or problems that you may have.
We have been helping seniors in the Manawatū for 25 years.
FInd out more details on our website, or contact us. Details below.
We are: Connecting, Supportive, Collaborative, Stimulating...
Practical, Positive, Neighbourly and Fun
How to Join
Visit us, phone us, or email us for membership details. Or, join now at
Membership Fees
Annual membership fee of $30 single, $50 couple.
When and where we meet
We meet most Wednesdays between 10.00 am-3.00 pm at the Milson Community Centre, and occasionally via video conferencing. See our website calendar for details.
77 Milson Line, Milson, Palmerston North 4414, New Zealand